Thursday, August 7, 2014

Melancholy of a nightmare: Phase of the newborns

Drea waddled her way out of the pond onto the moss covered banks. She then sat up on the pavement reaching her extremely heavy backpack. As she looked in she found a half eaten granola bar she was pleased to finish, a candy and water. She refilled her water bottle from the pond and washed herself up. Walking to the house's debris and scavenged for any leftover weapons she could use. To her fortune she found the glistening metal of kitchen knives standing out against the charred furniture and green foliage. She wondered if she could knife throw; and planned on developing that as a skill. She put most knives in her bag and tucked one in her boot. Strapping her rack-sack onto her back she started walking through the overgrown city streets. If she could find an ammunition store here, she could probably find a working a gun. She still wished she had her .44 magnum she used to kill greed, arrogance, and envy. She did not want to lose upon her aim practice and scanned the stores- most of them destroyed already- around her. Just then, she found herself getting lucky as she reached a police department. If she knew her facts right, she could find a stock full of guns and ammo in there and no one would mind!

She approached the front door and swung her rock heavy bag into the front door waiting for the glass to shower upon her. And then she watched as the bag hit the glass and swung back but the door remained unmoved. Who was she kidding? A police department office would obviously have bullet proof glass. Just then she saw someone inside move; walk past like a shadow. It caught her off guard and she hid under the bush. Was her next enemy onto his killing spree already? She tried to peek through and suddenly found herself staring into a pair of crystal grey eyes across the bulletproof glass of the station. Reflexively, they both screamed and sprung into attention. Were there more survivors? Was this more than just an endless world consisting of just her? Then on catching sight of eachother, Drea and the boy in the blue hoodie and grey eyes, walked closer towards the door. As if pulled to him senses, the boy swiftly opened the locked door waiting for Drea to walk in. As she stepped closer, he pulled her by the hand and knocked her face down on the floor all in one movement. "Get  off me", she screamed as she tried to squirm out of his clasp; but he was too strong. His knee was placed right at the small of her back and sent shooting pain to her head if she moved. "Don't move", he yelled back as he pulled off her back pack and lifted her hair to touch the back of her neck. "What the hell are you doing?", she screamed, struggling more to move out. He then immediately got up lifting his hands in the air saying, "Sorry I had to check for if you were one of them." Drea got to her feet shoving him hard screaming, "One of who!?" "Calm the heck down! Sorry if I can't trust any human looking person ever since the mutagens", said the hoodie creep. "Okay look smart ass, I have no idea what you're talking about or who are the mutagens or whether you are sane or not; but touch me again and you're dead." He looked at her puzzled and said, "You really have no clue do you? I'd tell you if you were nice but oh well..", he replied slyly. "Really? After all this time I see one human and he has to be a cocky weirdo in an oversized hoodie that ironically has life written on it?" He smiled and said, "The name's Noah, and you shouldn't be so sure yet that I'm human." Drea sensed he knew a lot more than her and thoughtfully replied, "Drea. What do you know?" Lifting an eyebrow Noah said, "Very upfront of you. But to tell you inshort, this is what is happening: I don't know what the world has been like for you, but since the storm, it seems as if I've been the only person on the planet. I keep teleporting to these new surroundings and have weird things that call themselves anger or agony or envy fight me; as if I'm killing every negative emotion." Drea exitedly interrupted, "Me too!! All these impossible scenarios and I just keep fighting. Like an endless video game with unrealistic perks! Every time I close my eyes something changes, and I can't tell anymore if I even remember how to blink." Noah continued, "Yes exactly! Oh and to help you with that, you can now blink normally." "Now?", asked Drea. Noah replied,

I skipped a step. What I mean is, all this had been happening with me too. And after I previously killed anger I woke up in an apartment across the street. I blinked several times before I recognised someone that was looking at me. Feeling too ecstatic I ran to Jen, my girlfriend, and hugged her feeling myself cry. She smiled and asked me to stay away, said she was changing and had lost all. Confused I looked at her growing pale and she turned lifting her hair showing me her neck. Black veins rose against her neck and as I touched them she screamed miserably. "Stop it!" she snapped. She then screamed, "Don't touch them. It fastens it all!" "Fastens what?" I yelled at her frustrated and confused and she explained, "They will come for you and get you. You won't know when you see them but they have them too, some of them rising into their brain and skull and eventually the eyes, like a network of black veins." "Who them Jen, who!?" "I don't know who they are goddamnit! They look like us, talk like us, and dress like us! They are everything you have been fighting but only that look like you! And if you lose, you are one of them Noah. Go before I kill you." I said I wouldn't and she screamed asking me to. When I didn't move she touched her neck screaming in pain and I watched the nerves grow. Attracted by the noise, a gang of 7- mutagens as Jen named them- appeared and tried to break through the door. "Run now Noah. They can't kill me any further", she said as I found myself on my feet running towards the window. "Don't jump!", screamed Jen. "You can't be superman anymore. Be safe and have a good sleep, now that you can." she said with last smile and wink. I figured I'd die this time if I jumped out of the window and so ran my way down the fire lane. A lot happened- Being chased by 7 mutagens, killing people that ooze black blood and finally running into this place. Guessing it's bulletproof I locked all the doors and remained here trying to think of everything she said. I couldn't jump off bridges anymore that means, and like she said, when I closed my eyes nothing changed. I felt fatigue again, and when I woke up from my sleep I felt my entire body pound in ache. Next few days I explored this place, found just one gun sadly and a left it on the couch I sleep in. I found food for now, but it will soon run out and then it'll be hunting again.

Drea stared speechlessly, trying to take in all the information. The only thing she could think of saying was, "Sorry about Jen." He shrugged and said, "She did her best to help." They sat in silence, in their heavy reality for a moment after which Noah said, "I have canned corn. You could eat and then take a nap." "Thankyou", said Drea, already feeling comfortable in the company of another human. They both had been lonely for too long, just like every other person on the planet. They talked about their battles as Drea munched on canned corn not to think of how she tasted the brine in it. Before sleeping she took off her bag and was about to take her boots off but remembered about her knife, so she just left them on.

Drea woke up to loud noises of people running and things being thrown. Some one was frantically screaming her name. What was his name? Noah! She tried to wake up and her head pounded. Suddenly she recognised a sound. Shots were being fired and Noah was screaming for help. Still disoriented she got up running across the unlit hallway screaming for him. She followed the sound of the chaos and came face to face with one of them. Just like Noah had said, black veins curled up his neck and into his temples. The mutagen looked terrifyingly intimidating and soullessly pale. Drea couldn't react and saw Noah pulling him off her. She then tried to think again and dived right into the battle against the mutagen. He was strong, fast and wild, and even both Noah and Drea together couldn't knock him off. Running around the place trying to slow him down Drea immediately realised they made a mistake. Where they landed was exactly where the last gun in the station remained- the couch in Noah's makeshift bed. The mutagen spotted the lustful metal with minimal resistance got his hands on it. Before she knew, the bullet ran through Noah, and Drea's hand clutched her boot knife that had stabbed through the mutagens heart. In less that three seconds, the ground turned into a slump of two dead bodies and she watched Noah's red blood mix with the mutagens black fluid. Her vision blurred and her head ached and she kept repeating sorry to Noah. She said he fought well and she lifted his head and closed his eyes. She even looked at the dead Mutagen as tears streamed down her face; his veins were disappearing and he remained as a pulse-less creature; his blue eyes slowly returning as Drea shut them saying he had fought well too and she was sorry this happened to him. He deserved better than to be made a mutagen. She slipped Noah's gun out of his lose grip and turned to Noah saying, "I promise, every bullet through this one, is for you." She slowly walked away from them and picked up Noah's bag on the way out. It was heavier than hers and she was happy to know why- It was a bag full of bullets. Picking up her own bag on the other shoulder, Drea ran out of the police station that had turned into a grave. This was a new age, the age of the newborns and only the strongest would survive.

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