Thursday, May 1, 2014

Melancholy of a nightmare: The beginning

She waited under the heavy rock, and heard her heart pound at the same pace as the horses she heard running around. With each breath in, her lungs screamed with the red toxic fumes. The hooves stopped. This was her chance. Slowly she shifted her weight to her right leg and shed a red tear of pain. Then with utmost caution she pulled out her .44 magnum and fixed it between her palms. Not the best gun for her range, but that was all she had found when she had last looted the abandoned hut. She slowly stepped out from where she could see him now. Clad in green, he sat on a red horse and held a green bow in his hand. There were many more horses around him, but he came alone. Drea took a deep breath and then ran towards the crowd of horses as fast as she could. When they saw her, they all ran towards her with all their strength and speed. This was the moment; it was a do or die situation and she would never know unless she took a chance. Within an instant she dropped herself to the ground. The impact knocked the air out of her and she scraped her knees. But ignoring the pain and pine needles, she looked up at the horses that were approaching her with wide eyes. She fought back her tears and clutched the gun tighter in her hand. Then she saw it happen; she saw them slow down. With each trot their pace decreased; so slow until one stopped next to her and the others right before her eye. Amazed at how easily she could control things, she started crying and stood up wiping her tears. In an instant she hopped onto the horse in front of her and watched the others file behind her horse. She called out to her green enemy and pointed the gun at him. This time she was closer, but she wasn't sure of her shot. Before she could react he left an arrow in her direction and she jumped off her horse and rolled on the ground to dodge it. It was war and it was on. In the next two seconds she was on the horse again and chasing after Mr. Green. Her hair flew out of her damp ponytail and sent cool breeze through her neck. She aimed and shot. It missed. As she braced herself for the approaching arrow, she hopped onto the horse running next to hers. With a little difficulty she positioned herself again and looked for a running green haze. Raising her gun, Drea shut one eye and shot again hitting his horse. She screamed and stopped her horse. Drea never wanted to harm the horse. She got down and closed her eyes. She knew what she was doing would only make it more difficult, but she was learning to pay for her mistakes. When she opened her eyes the horses were gone. All but the horse she had hurt. A green figure stood before her. She couldn't see his face but felt energy being drawn out of her. Without a second thought she pushed her gun into her little sack, ran towards the nearest tree, jumped and kicked on the bark and caught onto the first branch when the force lifted her upwards. An arrow barely missed her swinging legs and with every ounce of strength that remained, she pulled herself up on the branch. She hugged it and caught on tightly for balance. She could feel the weight of her gun in her sling pack and her legs failed to hold her still. She was shivering of fear and felt the warm tears stream down her face. She climbed higher into the tree until the arrows couldn't reach her anymore. The branches creaked under her foot when she bent down to look for him. Then with a sudden gush of air and a swift arrow slid past her. The movement shocked her and she tripped. Her reflex got her fixed onto the closest branch and she saw her gun slip out of her sight. A sinful laugh echoed the dark canopy and once again, she closed her eyes and let go of her grip. When she opened them she stood right in front of the green face phantom, in a red cloud that itched her skin. Her limbs took over her and within a second she was on him, fighting his blows and kicks. Then with one firm grip on his faceless head, she twisted the life out of him. "Goodbye jealousy", she muttered and watched him disappear along with the disappearing red clouds. Drea dropped to the floor in exhaustion and closed her eyes again to kill her next enemy.